4Geeks Talent

Meet unique talent today.

4Geeks Talent is a strong database of people who are looking for a new job opportunity. Filter by seniority, skills, culture, languages, timezones or compenstation. No hiring fees. Direct hires.

7 days free trial, then $250 USD monthly. Watch demo.

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4geeks talent

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Unique and dynamic database of exceptional talent near you

Posting adverts is too slow. LinkedIn is too time-consuming. Agencies are too expensive.

Get access into our premium database of motivated talent who are looking for a new job opportunity. Hundreds of new candidates are joined our talent pool every week.


Unlimited searches and filters. Our talent pool is yours.

Find exaclty what you're looking for, according your business needs, with unlimited searches and filters.

Filter by skillset, timezone, language, expected salary, location, past experience, portfolio and more.

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No additional costs.

$250/ month

Augment your talent pool, meet new people who want to join your company today.

Unlimited searches and filters

Achieve maximum productivity with minimum effort with 4Geeks Talent and increase your team in no-time.

Direct hires

Onboard new team members to your company as direct hires under your own rules.

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If its not for you, just cancel, no hidden costs or fees.

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100% guaranteed money back. No questions asked.

Featured customer stories

We partner with companies in different industries to design, build and grow their apps, platforms and SaaS products.

Watch 4Geeks Talent On-Demand Demo

In this demo you'll see how 4Geeks Talent back tons of recruitment small and mid-sized companies to meet unique talent.

Meet unique talent starting today. No hiring fees.